DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to be able to support the following charities and fundraisers coming up to Christmas, which can be a difficult time for many. With our project route connecting many local communitites, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were pleased to be able to assist the following charities and fundraisers: Scoil Iosa, Kiltiernan National School, Claddagh Watch Galway and the Galway Cystic Fibrosis Project. Please see below for further details.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited supported Scoil Iosa, a local primary school in Oranmore, Galway for their Christmas appeal for families that need some extra help this Christmas.
The number of children from disadvantaged backgrounds attending Scoil Iosa has increased in recent years. DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to be able to support this fundraiser again this Chrsitmas.
For more information, please visit
Scoil Iosa is a registered charity - CHY 7072
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited supported Kiltiernan National School, a local primary school in Kiltiernan, Galway for their Christmas Fair by sponsoring a prize.
For more information, please visit
Claddagh Watch Galway is a voluntary charity established to provent deaths by accident and suicide on the waterways of Galway City. Volunteers operate Safety Prevention Patrols on various nights each week.
Their objective is to prevent anyone from entering the water in Galway City. Their volunteers look for anyone who appears distressed, disoriented, or under the influence of alcohol or other substances. They move them away from the danger of the water and if they are in need of further support, they call the appropriate services and keep them safe until that assistance arrives.
In the event that someone enters the water, they are on hand to give concise and accurate information to the RNLI and Fire Services which vastly increases the chance of a successful outcome.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited's donation will be used to service and maintain the Personal Floatation Devices (PFD's) that their team wear while they patrol. The PFD's need an annual service at the cost of €25 each which equates to around €500 + annually with repairs on top of this.
For more information of to make a donation please visit their website
Alternatively, you can contact Claddagh Watch Patrol at [email protected]
Claddagh Watch is a registered charity - CHY 22513
Cystic Fibrosis Galway Hospital Project are a dedicated group of volunteers aiming to improve facilities and resources and provide support for the CF community treated at Galway University Hospital. They are totally dependent on fundraising and voluntary donations for the provision of these services.
Their key priorities are to provide specialist Outpatient and Inpatient isolation facilities for patients with Cystic Fibrosis at Galway University Hospital in line with international best practice-children and adults with CF must be treated in separate Units and to establish and fund the full specialist multi-disciplinary teams in both the Paediatric and Adult Units at Galway University Hospital.
If you wish to make a donation to Cystic Fibrosis, you can do so on their website
Galway Cystic Fibrosis Hospital Project is a registered charity - CH 18164
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently made a donation to the Tuam branch of MS Ireland, arising from its 2024 Programme of Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam project.
MS Ireland is the only national organisation providing information, support and advocacy services to the MS Community. MS Ireland work with people with MS, their families and carers and a range of key stakeholders including health professionals, students and others interested in or concerned about MS.
The donation will provide people with home visits by a Neurophysio which is vital for people living with Multiple Sclerosis. Others will be able to avail of Reflexology sessions and others fuel vouchers. It is very expensive to keep heat on all the time for those sitting in wheelchairs all day.
The Tuam branch works with its members in the supporting of all the services noted above and by offering programmes such as Physio, alternative therapies etc. If you are in the Tuam area and have MS or know someone with MS, they would love to hear from you.
For more information or to support MS Ireland Branch, contact Tel: +353 (0)1 678 1600 or 1850 233 233, Email:[email protected]. Alternatively, you can view the MS Ireland website:
MS Ireland is a registered charity CHY 5365
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently made a donation to Cancer Care West, arising from its 2024 Programme of Social initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Cancer Care West is dedicated to providing the best support to persons affected by a cancer diagnosis in a safe, encouraging and accessible environment. Cancer Care West provides its services to its residents in accompaniment to medical treatment through the provision of accommodation in Inis Aoibhinn Lodge and support services in the Cancer Support Centre.
The lodge, situated on the grounds of the University Hospital Galway, offers accommodation to patients undergoing radiotheraphy treatment at UHG and includes facilities for a patient's family member or guest to share. The Cancer Support Centre offers an extensive variety of services, available free of charge to anyone affected by cancer - patients, carers, family members and close friends. Patient support is the fundamental focus of Cancer Care West. Its main priorities are to equip people living with cancer with the pratical and emotional support they need to maintain a peace of mind and quality of life. Cancer Care West also provides cancer awareness and educatioal programmes and supports research into patient care.
If you wish to make a donation to Cancer Care West, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can contact Cancer Care West on 091-545000 or by emailing [email protected]
Cancer Care West is a registered charity - CHY-11260.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Gaelscoil Riada, arising from its 2024 Program for Social initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Gaeilscoil Riada are a Gaeilscoil based in Athenry and are currently housed in the old presentation buildings. They have planning permission granted for their new school build which they hope to commence in 2025/2026.
Gaeilscoil are currently working on creating a sensory room for the pupils to enjoy and to help pupils regulate when needed. A sensory room offers pupils an escape from a very busy classroom, providing a sense of calm and comfort which helps children learn to self-regulate their behaviours, which ultimately improves focus. The addition of this room will be invaluable to the school and their pupils.
They hope to convert a small storage room into a sensory space for their pupils over the coming months.
DirectRoute's donation will help convert their storage space, paint the room and start building resources to add to their little sensory space.
For more information or to support Gaeilscoil Riada please visit their website -
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway Sick Kids Foundation, arising from its 2024 Program for Social initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Galway Sick Kids Foundation are a smalll charity established in 2017 to fundraise for the purchasing of equipment - medical and other, for the use in the promotion of health, including the prevention or relief of sickness, disease and human suffering in the Paediatric Unit of University Hospital Galway.
Galway Sick Kids Foundation was set up to support children and their families attending the Paediatric Unit in University Galway Hospital. To that end, their next project, which DirectRoute (Tuam) were delighted to be able to support, is to renovate the Parents' room. When a child is ill, it can be an extremely traumatic experience and it is lovely to have somewhere relaxing to retreat to even for a short time. The present room has stood the test of time and is in dire need of a revamp.
For more information or to support Galway Sick Kids Foundation please visit their website
Galway Sick Kids Foundation is a registered charity -CH 22125
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to support Cope Galway's Christmas Appeal for 2023.
In the lead up to Christmas, their homeless services are supporting 476 men, women and children in Galway who are availing of Emergency and Transitional Accommodation. This includes 104 families with 208 children.
Funds raised are crucial to Cope Galway in providing the services and support needed by the people in our community who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.
For more information or to support Cope Galway contact Tel:+353 (091) 778750, email [email protected] or visit their website
Cope Galway is a registered charity - CHY 6339
DirectRoute (Tuam) were delighted to support Society of St. Vincent de Pauls' (SVP) Annual Christmas appeal again this year.
SVP offer direct, personal assistance that is non-judgemental and based on the need of the individual family. In addition, they provide a wide range of services for vulnerable people through their local offices, shops,resource centres, day care and holiday schemes amongst other things.
For further information on the services SVP offer or if you wish to make a donation, please visit their website
Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a registered charity -CHY 6892.
DirectRoute (Tuam) were delighted to support Scoil Mhuire, a local primary school in Oranmore, Galway for their Christmas appeal for families that needed some extra help this Christmas.
Scoil Mhuire, Oranmore is a presentation Primary School. The number of children from disadvantaged backgrounds attending Scoil Mhuire has increased in recent years.
DirectRoute (Tuam) were delighted to be able to support this fundraiser again this Christmas.
For more information, please visit https:/
Scoil Mhuire is a registered Charity - CHY 7072
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Claddagh Watch Patrol, arising from its 2023 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Claddagh Watch Galway is a voluntary charity established to prevent deaths by accident and suicide on the waterways of Galway City. Volunteers operate Safety Prevention Patrols on various nights each week. The Watches first patrol was on the 15th of July 2019 and every week since then they have been out at least twice, with extra patrols for school and college exam results, Race week, the Arts festivals, St. Patrick's Day or any occasion that brings a large amount of people into the City and to the area near the river and canals.
Their objective is to prevent anyone from entering the water in Galway City. Their volunteers look for anyone that appears distressed, disoriented, or under the influence of alcohol or other substances. They move them away from the danger of the water and if they are in need of further support, they call the appropriate services and keep them safe until that assistance arrives.
In the event that someone enters the water, they are on hand to give concise and accurate information to the RLNI and Fire Service which vastly increases the chance of a successful outcome.
Claddagh Watch have two vehicles on the road, one of which is kitted as a mobile base with WiFi, CCTV, monitors, AED and other vital equipment. And they utilise every option to upgrade their kit and equipment on a constant basis to ensure that the highest spec equipment is made available to prevent loss of life.
For more information or to make a donation please visit their website
Alternatively, you can contact Claddagh Watch Patrol at [email protected]
Claddagh Watch is a registered charity -CHY 22513
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Hand in Hand, arising from its 2023 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Hand in Hand is there from the very beginning looking after the ordinary whilst families deal with the extraordinary. The charity, based in Loughrea, Co. Galway is a national charity providing support to families all around the country with a childhood cancer diagnosis. Hand in Hand provide both practical and emotional support as follows:
Practical Supports:
Free household cleaning services are provided,and when hospital stays and doctor's appointments make it hard to stay on top of the housework professional cleaning services are provided to ensure that the home is safe and clean.
Hand in Hand also provides family meal services, delivering across the country. The charity works with each family on an individual basis to find the best solution to suit their needs. Supplying families with nutritious food during cancer treatment helps them eat well and reduces the caregiver burden and stress.
Hand in Hand want families to worry about their children's treatment and wellbeing and not their housekeeping, so they provide free laundry services to families battling a childhood cancer diagnosis. This gives families one less thing to worry about.
Emotional Supports:
Children and families often require emotional support through the difficult times that a cancer diagnosis brings. Hand in Hand recognises the impact of a child's cancer diagnosis on the entire family and provides both adult counselling services and also play therapy services for the family, the children and their siblings to help them cope in what is a very worrying and frightening time.
Hand in Hand do not receive any state funding but rely entirely on fundraising activties, donors,and supporters. All donations go directly into supporting families by providing family meals, deep cleaning, laundry services and play therapy sessions.
For more information or to support Hand in Hand please visit their website
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Passage West GAA Club, arising from its 2023 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Passage West GAA is a Gaelic Athletic Association club based in the town of Passage West, County Cork.
The donation was given to the Gaelic4Mothers&Others Passage West Team which sees women playing Ladies Gaelic Football in a fun, non-competitive and social environment.
Gaelic4Mothers&Others provides an opportunity for women to get their recommended weekly exercise in a fun way while meeting other mothers in the area.
For more information please visit their website -
Members of the Gaelic4Mothers&Others Passage West Team
DirectRoute (Tuam) recently donated to Blood Bike West, arising from its 2023 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Blood Bike West operate an emergency out of hours logistics service to cover those hours and times for which hospitals, clinics, labs, Hospice and others have no cover. Generally they cover 7pm-7am as well as all weekends, holidays and bank holidays.
Blood Bike do this with the participation of over 50 members including about 36 riders using their fleet of 5 motorbikes (& 1 van). This allows them to take on multiple missions in different directions at the same time, covering the area all the way from Donegal down to Clare on the Western seaboard.
Blood Bike West carry blood (samples), emergency scans, other samples and do a great number of runs to the Special Care Baby Units of breast milk from the milk bank in Enniskillen all the way to west coast hospitals as far as Limerick. They are currently undertaking about 600 runs a year with peak period during Covid lockdown being over 1,000 a year.
All Blood Bike riders are highly qualified to RoSPA standard (Advance Riding) and take great pride in their commitment to rider training and safety.
All members and riders are unpaid volunteers and receive no State or HSE funding - all costs are covered by direct member fundraising, social events and with the help of corporate partners.
For more information or to support Blood Bike West please visit their website -
Blood Bike West on one of their many runs.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited along with their Operations and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan Infrastructure Services Limited (ALIS) were delighted to work together, in conjunction with Kiltiernan National School on a Wildflower and Tree Bank Planting initiative on project route lands at the Kilcolgan village/National school side of Junction 17 Kiltiernan on the M18 section of our project route.
The works included a 4m and 2m wide bank of Wildflowers on both verges of the overbridge at the Kilcolgan/National School side from the Roundabout at the National School side and the supply and planting of 600 number trees to the section of land side the 4m bank of wildflowers - closest to the school.
ALIS carried out the required preparation works - removing the top grass area and mixing up the soil to give a suitable bed for the wildflowers and trees.
The following is the details of what was planted: A. Trees's x 600 mix of the following Alnus (Alder) x 200, Betula (Birch) x 100, Pinus (Pines) x 100, Corylus (Hazel) x 100, Ilex (Holly) x 100 and B. Wildflower Mix-natural Irish Wildflower seeds.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited covered the cost of the supply and planting of the flowers and trees. ALIS provided the labour and plant to get the ground/area ready for planting.
The Green Schools committee from Kiltiernan National School were also involved on the day and assisted greatly in the planting of trees and wildflowers.
This project grew from Kiltiernan NS and TII's bio-diversity projects, which is maturing with the school's educational goals. The scheme is also reducing the use of herbicides along the project route. Research indicates that in natural ecosystems,pollinator diversity enhances pollination, and pollinator diversity increases the quality and quantity of crop yield. Furthermore, studies indicate that many pollinator groups are useful in monitoring environmental pollution, aid in pest and disease control, and provide cultural and aesthetic value.
Directroute (Tuam) Limited and ALIS hope that both the trees and the wild-flowers flourish and become a lovely sight to be enjoyed by all.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited, ALIS and teachers and pupils from Kiltiernan National School planting wildflowers and trees on the 18th of April 2023.
Photos of the Wild Flower growth to both verges taken on the 17th July 2023.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Esker National School, arising from its 2023 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Esker N.S is situated in the parish of Kiltulla, beside St.Patrick's Monastery and just 3 miles from the historic town of Athenry. At present there are 98 pupils on the roll from over 60 families. The school has 4 mainstream teachers, 2 learning support teachers, 3 S.N.A assistants and a secretary working in the school.
The school building consists of four large classrooms, library/resource room, learning support rom, staff room and office. There are also 2 large pre-fabs in the schools grounds and these are used as multi-purpose rooms.
The school is currently building a sensory garden for the children, which DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to support. With DirectRoute's support the school was able to equip the sensory garden with a mud kitchen, toys and sensory ornaments that the children are really looking forward to enjoying this term. The school also used the donation to re-paint the school yard with bright playground markings.
For more information on Esker N.S please visit their website or email [email protected], or telephone 091 848008.
The sensory garden and school yard at Esker National School
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently made a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation Ireland, arising from its 2023 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance phase of the M17 M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Make-A-Wish Ireland has one simple aim- to grant the wishes of children with life threathening medical conditions, to bring hope, strength and happiness.
Since 1992, Make-A-Wish has granted more than 2,900 brave children across Ireland, including 183 wishes granted in 2022 alone. A wish granted is true magic for the child, providing a respite from their normal routines of hospitals,doctors and treatments. Make-A-Wish does not receive any government funding and relies overwhelmingly on the kindness of the Irish public to continue granting wishes.
In all possible cases, Make-A-Wish ensures that all family members can participate in the child's wish. In doing so the family can create lasting, happy memories.
For more information or to make a donation please visit their website, or email [email protected], or telephone +353 (0) 1 2052007.
Make-A-Wish Ireland is a registed charity - CHY 15267
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to support a number of local schools' Christmas fundraisers for 2022.DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited sponsored prizes for fundraisers held by Athenry Boys School, Athenry, Kiltiernan National School, Kiltiernan and Barnaderg National School, Tuam.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited also donated to Lakeview Special School,Renmore, who were fundraising for a large sensory lamp. The sensory lamp will go to great use with their special need pupils.
Scoil Mhuire, a local primary school in Oranmore, Galway launched a Christmas Food and Toy appeal for families that needed some help this year. DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to support this fundraiser again this Christmas.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to take part in Society of St.Vincent de Pauls' (SVP) Annual Christmas appeal again this year.
SVP offer direct, personal assistance that is non-judgemental and based on the need of the individual family. In addition, they provide a wide range of services for vulnerable people through their local offices, shops, resource centres, day care and holiday schemes amongst other things.
For further information on the services SVP offer or if you wish to make a donation to SVP, please visit their website
Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a registered charity - CHY 6892
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Tuam and District Mental Health Association, arising from its 2022 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Mantenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Tuam & D.MHA was estalished in 1986, initially to provide social services for residents and day care clients of Toghermore House, Togher, Tuam. While the HSE looked after their medical needs, there was a gap in any social services being provided.
It became apparent to Tuam & D. MHA and other MHA's around the country that many residents in the institutions did not actually require residential care and with some help many were able to live (and some work) within the community.
Tuam & D.MHA sponsor a very successful Community Employment Scheme, with 43 participants located in 16 organisations in Tuam town and environs. They also provide an information office where people can enquire about services available to them. While they do not provide a counselling service within this structure, a listening ear and a cup of tea are readily available. They also get several requests too to help with large electricity and phone bills, usually from older people or people struggling with budgeting or health issues, who have fallen behind on their bills and have become overwhelmed or lost their income for various reasons.
For more information or to make a donation pease contact 093 24371, or visit their facebook page @TuamAndDistrictMentalHealthAssociation.
Tuam and District Mental Health Association is a registered charity - CHY 10228.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Green Sod Ireland, arising from its 2022 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Green Sod is a land trust, protecting land and its biodiversity by establishing wild acres (land under protection). Their vision is of an Ireland where ecosystems are thriving and flourishing. The wild acres are managed to create safe habitats, facilitating the free movement of wildlife, vital for biodiversity. Their ecological education programme highlights the implications of how we live in our modern consumerist society, indicating steps for a positive change.
Green Sod Ireland work with local communities and volunteers to restore habitats and ecesystems, enhancing biodiversity locally.
For more information or to make a donation please visit their website
Green Sod Ireland is a registered charity - CHY 16961
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway Sick Kids Foundation, arising from its 2022 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Galway Sick Kids Foundation was established to fundraise for the purchasing of equipment, medical and other, for use in the promotion of health, including the prevention or relief of sickness, disease and human suffering in the Paediatric Unit of University Hospital Galway.
Their mission is to raise funds to make a difference and improve the hospital experience for the children attending GUH paediatric unit. The Galway Sick Kids Foundation supports sick children and their families through stressful times by providing basic facilities, equipment and information in a child focused, friendly environment.
For more information or to support Galway Sick Kids Foundation, please visit their website hppt://
Galway Sick Kids Foundation is a registered charity - CHY 22125
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway SPCA, arising from its 2022 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
The Galway SPCA is a charity based in Galway with a cattery in Athenry and a dog sanctuary in Killimoe, Co. Galway. Their aim is to help, rescue, rehabilitate and re-home all animals to forever homes.
Galway SPCA has two charity shops, one in Main Street, Ballinasloe and one in Barrack Street, Athenry. They have a small core of dedicated employees supported by a group of volunteers.
Galway SPCA has been an action force in Animal Welfare in Co. Galway for over 20 years.
For more information or to support Galway SPCA please see their website
Galway SPCA is a registered charity CHY 12478.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to sponsor their Operations and Maintenance partner A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) employee Jason Coll recently in the 'GaleForce West' fundraising event for Athenry Cancer Care.
GaleForce was a 60km race- 13.5km run, 1km kayaking, 1km run, 35km cycle and remaining mountain run/walk/crawl and took place on Saturday the 18th of June 2022.
The Athenry Cancer Care centre provides a voluntary support service for people on a cancer journey. Athenry Cancer Care provides support, hollistic therapies and counselling for people that have been affected by cancer. All of their services are free of charge.
For more information please visit
Athenry Cancer Care is a registered charity - CHY 18090
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to the Galway CF Hospital Project, arising from its 2022 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Galway CF Hospital Project are a dedicated group of volunteers aiming to improve facilities and resources and provide support for the CF patients treated at Galway University Hospital. Their key priorities are to provide specialist outpatient and inpatient isolation facilities to the patients with Cystic Fibrosis being treated at Galway University Hospital in line with international best practise children and adults with CF must be treated in separate units and to establish and fund the full specialist multi-disciplinary teams in both the Paediatric and Adult units at the Galway University Hospital.
If you wish to make a donation the Galway CF Hospital Project, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can email [email protected], who will provide details on how you can make a donation to Galway CF Hospital Project.
Galway CF Hospital Project is a registered charity - CH 18164
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Athenry Cancer Care, arising from its 2022 Programme for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
The Athenry Cancer Care centre provides a voluntary support service for people on a cancer journey. Athenry Cancer care provides support,hollistic therapies and counselling for people that have been affected by cancer. All of their services are free of charge.
For more information please visit
Athenry Cancer Care is a registered charity - CHY 18090
DirectRoute (Tuam) were delighted to donate to Scoil Mhuire, a local primary school in Oranmore, Galway for their Christmas appeal for families that needed some extra help this Christmas.
Scoil Mhuire, Oranmore is a Presentation Primary School.The school population has continued to grow rapiidly in the last ten years and over 430 children are now enrolled. The number of children from disadvantaged backgrounds attending Scoil Mhuire has increased in recent years.
This donation will make such a difference to families in crisis, particularly this time of year.
For more information, please visit
Scoil Mhuire is a registered charity - CHY 7072
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to sponsor their Operations and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) employee Michael Broderick on his Croagh Patrick climb challenge.
Cappataggle GAA in partnership with a local charity, East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support organised the fundraiser to raise funds for both Cappataggle GAA club and East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support.
Commencing on Friday the 3rd of September, over 100 club members and charity representatives climbed Croagh Patrick at various times over three days.
The East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway is a house that has been converted and adopted to provide a safe, warm and caring environment to provide physical, practical and emotional support to cancer patients and their families.
The East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre provides a range of support services including Couselling,Touch Therapies, Exercise, Information, Entitlement Advice and Transport to help cancer patients and their families to live a better life with cancer.
For more information or to support East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support, contact (090) 964 2088, [email protected] or visit their website
East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support is a registered charity - CHY 20382
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Croi, arising from its 2021 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Following this donation, DirectRoute (Tuam) were delighted to attend a Croi virtual presentation on Eating for a Healthy Heart.
Croi is a Heart and Stroke charity based in Galway. Their aim is to lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, with a particular focus on the West of Ireland. Their mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery and wellbeing.
Their work is funded from the proceeds of fundraising events and voluntary contributions.
For more information or to support Croi, contact Tel:091-544310 or Email:[email protected]
Alternatively, you can view Croi's website
Croi is a registered charity - CHY 7500
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Athenry Community First Responder Group (Athenry CFR Group), arising from its 2021 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
The Athenry CFR group are linked to the National Ambulance Service and respond to cardiac arrests within a 5km circle from The Square in Athenry.They train a number of volunteers to respond to life threatening 999 calls. The National Ambulance Service dispatches them to Cardiac Arrest calls to provide lifesaving intervention whilst waiting for the Paramedic crew. They provide and maintain community accessible defibrillators in the community. These are located at Joyce's the Arch, The New Park Hotel, Esker Monastery and both local GAA pitches at Carnaun and Raheen. Athenry CFR have teamed up with the Craughwell CFR Group to install one halfway between Athenry and Craughwell at Tiny Tots Creche. They also provide support for other CFR Groups including the provision of training, support and advice.
From March 2020 they co-ordinated a community response to the Covid-19 pandemic. They set up a safe, confidential and GDPR compliant process for people living in the community to receive help. This varied from providing a shopping service, collection and delivery of prescriptions and daily/weekly check-ins with people cocooning or isolating.
For more information or to make a donation please visit their facebook page @AthenryCommunityFirstResponderGroup. Alternatively, you can contact Athenry CFR at [email protected]
Athenry CFR Group is a registered charity - CHY20205668
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Lakeview School, Woodlands, Renmore, Galway, arising from its 2021 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Lakeview School is a special school, catering for children with Mild General Learning Disabilities.
This academic year 2020-2021 there are 42 students enrolled in the school.
There is a sensory room where the students can get a time of calm and self-regulation, they are hoping to upgrade the equipment there, and the donation from DirectRoute (Tuam) will help to equip this sensory room.
For more information or to make a donation please visit their website
Alternatively, you can contact Lakeview School at [email protected]
Lakeview School is a registered charity - CHY 20201079
Pupils from Lakeview School were delighted to receive the donation for their school
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Claddagh Watch Patrol, arising from its 2021 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Claddagh Watch Patrol is a voluntary charity established to prevent deaths by accident and suicide on the waterways of Galway City. Volunteers operate Safety Prevention Patrols on various nights each week. The Watches first patrol was on the 5th July 2019 and every week since then they have been out at least twice, with extra patrols for Leaving Cert results, Race Week, the Arts festival and St. Patrick's day.
Their objective is to prevent anyone from entering the water in Galway City. Their volunteers look for anyone that appears distressed, disorientated, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They move them from the water and if they are in need of further support, they call the appropriate emergency services and keep them safe until that assistance arrives. In the event that someone enteres the water, they are on hand to give concise and accurate information to the RNLI and Fire Service which vastly increases the chance of a successful outcome.
Claddagh Watch Patrol have recently upgraded their radio communications system and they have now extended their patrol routes. They have over 100 volunteers on their database, they include students, retirees, shop workers, professionals, tradesmen and frontline workers.
They have recently taken delivery of a second vehicle. This will need to be kitted out with strope warning lights, first aid kit, hot packs and blankets. The donation from DirectRoute (Tuam) will go a long way to purchasing what's needed.
For more information or to make a donation please visit their website
Alternatively, you can contact Claddagh Watch Patrol at [email protected]
Claddagh Watch is a registered charity - CHY 22513
On the 11th December 2020, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited, A-Way Lagan Infrastructure Services Ltd (ALIS), and Pario SPV Management Ltd held a virtual Christmas Jumper Day to support two very worthy causes - St.Vincent De Paul and Scoil Mhuire Oranmore Christmas Food Appeal.
St Vincent De Paul offer direct, personal assistance that is non-judgemental and based on the need of the individual family. In addition, they provide a wide range of services for vulnerable people through their local offices, shops, resource centres, day care and holiday schemes amongst other things.
This Christmas they launched their Virtual Toy and Food Appeal to help families in need.Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 restrictions, accepting and distributing toys safely to families in need in time for Christmas could not be guaranteed. Instead of donating physical toys and food this year, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited donated €500 to the SVP Virtual Food Appeal.
Scoil Mhuire, a local primary school in Oranmore, Galway launched a Christmas Food and Toy Appeal for families that needed some help this year. A total of €350 was donated to the School's appeal, who ensured that food and toys were delivered to families in need in time for Christmas.
For more information regarding Scoil Mhuire, please visit
If you wish to make a donation to SVP, you can do so on their website
Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a registered charity - CHY 6892
On Friday the 9th Ocotber 2020, DirectRoute (Tuam) along with their Operation and Maintenance partners ALIS (A-Way Lagan Infrastructure Services Ltd) took part in Croi Galway's Virtual 5K run.
Now in its 6th year, the Croi Galway 5k run took place virtually this year. Last year, over 1,600 people took part on the Salthill Prom for the 5th Annual Croi Night Run, raising over €70,000, so this year Croi were delighted that the fundraiser could go ahead virtually.
Following this walk, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited made a donation to Croi arising from its 2020 Program for Social Initiatives on the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Croi is a Heart and Stroke charity based in Galway. Their aim is to lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, with a particular focus on the West of Ireland. Their mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery and wellbeing.
Their work is funded from the proceeds of fundraising events and voluntary contributions.
For more information or to support Croi, contact Tel: 091-544310 or E-mail:[email protected]
Alternatively you can view Croi's website
Croi is a registered charity - CHY 7500
DirectRoute (Tuam) and ALIS taking part in Croi's Virtual 5k Run
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind Tuam Branch arising from its 2020 Programme for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is Ireland's national charity dedicated to helping persons who are blind or vision impaired and families of children with autism through a comprehensive suite of services to achieve increased mobility and independence and an improved quality of life.
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind receive over 85% of their income through voluntary donations and fundraising through a network of volunteers across the country. It will cost over €5 million to run the organisation this year.
For more information or to support Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, contact Tel: +353 21 487 8200 or email:[email protected]. Alternatively you can view their website:
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is a registered charity - CHY 6006
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to the East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support arising from its 2020 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre in Brackernagh, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway is a house that has been converted and adapted to provide a safe, warm caring environment to provide both physical, practical and emotional support to cancer patients and their families.
The East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre provides a range of support services including Councellling, Touch Therapies, Exercise, Information, Entitlement Advice to help cancer patients, their families and friends to live better with cancer. They provide transport to Galway for patients receiving radiotherapy. All supports are free of charge.
The centre aims to address the needs of its clients, whatever those needs may be. They can achieve this because many of their volunteers have been through similar experiences and as a result are empathetic to those currently battling with cancer.
The number of people attending weekly has now reached 200 plus. They have also become a member of the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) which gives them both a political and medical voice in Europe. They provide a full-time drop-in Centre as well as a 24-hour phone service.
For more infomation or to support East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support, contact (090) 964 2088, [email protected] or visit their website
East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support is a registered charity - CHY 20382
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway Autism Partnership, arising from its 2020 programme for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Galway Autism Partnership is a community based charity that provides support to autistic people and their families living in Galway City and County. Initially started as a parent-led support group in 2011, Galway Autism Partnership grew to become a registered charity and found a home in Tigh Ronan, Laurel Park, Newcastle, Galway. As a self-funded organisation, they rely on fundraising, donations and corporate sponsorship to substain the work they do.
Galway Autism Partnership is made up of autistic members, their families and carers, friends, volunteers and professionals.
Some of the services Galway Autism provides includes social camps and clubs for children,teenagers and adults with autism, going from age three years to adults, peer to peer support - in person, via email, on the phone, parent and carers support groups, community events, family days and activites, awareness raising,training and education in schools, third level institutions, businesses, camps and clubs for siblings and advocacy.
For more information or to support Galway Autism Partnership, contact Tel: 091 58889 or Email: [email protected]
Alternatively you can view their website:
Galway Autism Partnership is a registered charity - CHY 20210
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Down Syndrome Galway, arising from its 2020 Program for Social Initives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Down Syndrome Galway aims to provide information, support and friendship to people with Down Syndrome and their families in Galway City and County, working towards an improved quality of life with respect and acceptance of people with Down Syndrome as valued members of their commmunity. They recognise the importance of early intervention and developing communication ability. They aim to create opportunities for social and personal inclusion and integration across the age spectrum of all 305 of their members and to always be there for family members also.
Their members attend the Down Syndrome Galway Centres regularly for Speech and Language sessions, social clubs, parent and toddler groups for children their age. These allow them to play in a comfortable safe space while parents can chat. The Committee had great plans for 2020, but not unlike the rest of the Country, all of these had to be put on hold.
As a result of Covid-19 these sessions and clubs along with much more, have been unable to continue in the centre. However, in saying that even though the doors are shut the charity has not closed its doors on its members. They have reached out to families by offering online/phone councelling during this difficult time. They are also offering online play therapy sessions for younger children who are struggling to come to terms with their new lifestyle.
Down Syndrome Galway receives no State funding. All monies raised are a result of Parents shaking buckets, selling cakes, applying for grant after grant and of course applying for funding from charitable companies. Even though their centres are closed, demand for services continues. Down Syndrome Galway needs essential funds to continue providing these forward thinking services in these unprecedented times.
For further information please visit their website If you wish to make a donation to Down Syndrome Galway, you can contact Deirdre by emailing [email protected].
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway Rape Crisis Centre (Galway RCC), arising from its 2020 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operations and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Galway RCC is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing a professional and confidential counselling and support service to women, men and young people aged 14 years and upwards affected by sexual abuse and sexual violence throughout Galway City and County. Services also include psychological accompaniment to the SATU (Sexual Assualt Treatment Unit), supporting survivors after a recent assault or rape, a Helpline service, in house Garda accompaniment, as well as a legal information clinic and court accompaniment. In 2019, there were 3,126 fulfilled appointments with the charity's counsellors. If you or someone you know needs to talk, please call the Galway RCC free Helpline on 1800 355 355, Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm, or call the national 24-hour Helpline on 1800 778 888.
To make a donation in support of Galway RCC services, please contact their fundraising department on 085 246 2959 or email [email protected].
Galway Rape Crisis Centre is a registered charity - CHY 7458.
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited have decided to donate €5,000 to a number of local charities. This money will be divided between eleven County Galway charities in the local community, who have been badly impacted by the crisis.
With our project route connecting many local communities, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to be able to assist the following charities during these difficult times:
Multiple Sclerosis Society Ireland (Tuam Branch) is an organisation that provides information, support and advocacy services to the MS community. Their main fundraiser on an annual basis is the Church Gate Collection. This was due to take place on the 28th and 29th March for Tuam and surrounding areas. These have been cancelled due to the current crisis.For more information or to support MS Ireland, contact Tel: +353 (0)1 6781600 or 1850233233, Email: [email protected]. Alternatively you can view the MS Ireland website:
MS Ireland is a registered charity - CHY 5365
Pieta House West provides support to people in suicidal distress or engaging in self -harm. Pieta House has had to close all centre's temporarily and are now offering their support to existing and new clients by offering one to one free charge therapy over phone and video. Naturally, their fundraising from the general public has been greatly impacted at this time not least the fact that have had to postpone their global flagship fundraising annual event Darkness into Light until Autumn time. This event would normally fund their services for at least 4-5 months of the year so they are struggling to meet this shortfall at this time.Further information on Pieta House West and the services they provide can be viewed on which includes a click and donate facility should you wish make a contribution.
Pieta House is a registered charity - CHY 16913
Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit is a voluntary group established in the search for missing persons in local coastal areas of Galway Bay. Several fundraising events in the calendar over the coming months, such as a card game in April and a fundraiser swim in June are now in doubt.For more information or to support Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit, email: [email protected]
Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit is a registered charity - CH 21862
Galway CF Hospital Project consists of a group of volunteers aiming to improve facilities and resources for the Cystic Fibrosis community treated at Galway University Hospital. CF Galway lost out on 65 Roses Day with collections scheduled throughout Galway city and county. Many other planned events have had to be cancelled.If you wish to make a donation to Cystic Fibrosis, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can email brendan@cfireland, who will provide details on how you can make a donation to the Galway CF Hospital Project.
Galway Cystic Fibrosis Hospital Project is a registered chairty -CH 18164
Galway Sick Kids Foundation fundraise for the purchasing of equipment - medical and other, for the use in the promotion of health, including the prevention or relief of sickness, disease, and human suffering in the Paediatric Unit of University Hospital Galway. Street collections scheduled for the third week in May and an inaugural ball planned for Friday 12th June have been cancelled.For more information or to support Galway Sick Kids Foundation please see their website http;//
Galway Sick Kids Foundation is a registered charity - CH 22125
Tuam Cancer Care are a voluntary organisation that offers psychological, emotional and practical support to people with a cancer diagnosis and their families. So far, they have had to cancel a table quiz,a fundraising concert, their church collection over Easter weekend and the annual Man of Aran BBQ. However, they are providing support remotely. All calls are being answered. Clients, both current and new, can speak with their Coordinator who is also a qualified psychotherapist. Their certified counsellor is continuing to provide counselling via phone or video link.For further information on Tuam Cancer Care and the services they provide you can check them out on their website You can also contact the centre on (Tel) 093-28522 or email [email protected]
Tuam Cancer Care is a registered charity - CH 13826
Gort Cancer Care provides support and practical assistance to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis in the South Galway/North Clare areas. There were several fundraising events scheduled for March, April and May, which now have been cancelled due to the crisis.For more information or to support Gort Cancer Care, please see their website. http;//
Gort Cancer Care is a registered charity - CH 19379
Jigsaw Galway is a free, non-judgemental and confidential support service for young people (15-25) living in Galway city and county. They provide guidance and support for young people who are going through a difficult or distressing time. They also provide advice and guidance for anyone who is concerned about a young person in their life or work. On March 12th, based on public health advise, they announced the temporary suspension of their face to face service. Their post primary school initiative - One Good School has been postponed along with their community work across colleges and third level institutions, sports clubs and workplaces has all been paused. However, they are providing a new online service, across inbound and outbound phone services, webinars, topic-specific content, group chats online, email support, instant messaging, vlogs and more.For more infomation or to support Jigsaw, please see their website
Jigsaw is a registered charity - CH 17439
Athenry Cancer Care West provides a voluntary support service for people on a cancer journey. All of their services are suspended at present except the counselling which can be done by phone. Their main fundraiser for Athenry Cancer Care, is to take a large group of women to the Women's mini marathon in Dublin.For more information or to support Athenry Cancer Care, please see their website
Athenry Cancer Care is a registered charity - CH 18909
Athenry & District Social Service Council CLG provides services for older people and meals on wheels is their main work. This service is organised and run on a completely voluntary basis. Most of their volunteers who deliver the dinners are seniors so they put a plan in place over the last two weeks to stand them down for their own safety, and recruited and trained up a new team - people who are out of work due to the crisis. They are getting further requests and hope they will have the resources to deal with them.For more information or to support Athenry & District Social Service Council CLG contact Nuala from Athenry Cancer Care (as this email covers both charities)@ [email protected]
FoodCloud (Galway) works by connecting supermarkets that have good food that they cannot sell to charity partners from breakfast clubs to homeless hostels to family support services. FoodCloud have launched an emergency appeal to support national food distribution in light of Covid-19. The demand for FoodCloud's services has increased in recent weeks with the spread of Covid-19. Pressure has been put on FoodCloud's resources as 40% of their community partners are closing due to reduced availability of volunteers. They have also seen a 50% decrease in surplus food donations from supermarkets as a result of stockpiling.For more information or to support FoodCloud, please see their website
FoodCloud is a registered charity - CH 21177
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited along with their Operation and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) were delighted to take part in Society of St. Vincent de Pauls' (SVP) annual appeal again this year. A 'Giving Tree' was set up at the Maintenance depot where employees choose a tag and bought a gift for the child or adult on their tag. A food appeal was also launched where both essential food items as well as Christmas treats were collected.
We were delighted to receive such fantastic support for such a worthy cause, especially at Christmas time. DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited also donated toys and food to the value of over €500 to SVP. All gifts and food items will be distributed by SVP to local families in need, just in time for Christmas.
SVP offer direct, personal assistance that is non-judgemental and based on the need of the individual family. In addition, they provide a wide range of services for vulnerable people through their local offices, shops, resource centres, day care and holiday schemes amongst other things.
SVP volunteers expect to visit over 50,000 familities over the winter. As Christmas approaches, they are receiving over 1,000 calls a day to their offices around the country.
If you wish to make a donation to SVP, you can do so on their website
Society of St.Vincent de Paul is a registered charity - CHY 6892
L-R: Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute) Eddie Mullins (SVP), Jacqui Kelly (ALIS) and PJ Kelly (ALIS)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Hospital Project, arising from its 2019 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Cystic Fibrosis Galway Hospital Project are a dedicated group of volunteers aiming to improve facilities and resources and provide support for the CF community treated at Galway University Hospital. They are totally dependent on fundraising and voluntary donations for the provision of these services.
Their key priorities are to provide specialist Outpatient and Inpatient isolation facilities for patients with Cystic Fibrosis treated at Galway University Hospital in line with international best practice - children and adults with CF must be treated in separate Units and to establish and fund the full specialist multi-disciplinary teams in both the Paediatric and Adult Units at Galway University Hospital.
DirectRoute's donation will be used to improve facilities and resources for the 106 children and adults with Cystic Fibrosis attending both the CF Paediatric Unit and the CF Adult Unit in Galway University Hospital.
If you wish to make a donation to Cystic Fibrosis, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can email [email protected], who will provide details on how you can make a donation to the Galway CF Hospital Project.
Galway Cystic Fibrosis Hospital Project is a registered charity - CH 18164
L-R: Michael Duffy (DirectRoute), Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute), Mary Lane Henaghan (Galway Cystis Fibrosis volunteer) and Alana Murphy (DirectRoute)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to sponsor a set of jerseys for Athenry Primary School Scoil Chroi Naofa's girls camogie team, arising from its 2019 Programme for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance Phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Scoil Chroi Naofa is the local primary school in Athenry town. They have 348 pupils on their roll from a range of different backgrounds. The school does its very best to offer pupils many varied activities which complement the national curriculum and also teach the children about community involvement. For example, they have a school Marching Band made up of 160 pupils. The children get the opportunity to play a number of different instruments and get to perform for the Athenry community twice a yeay - in December when the Christmas lights are turned on in the town and also in March when they lead the annual St Patrick's day parade.
The school is also very active in the area of sport. This year they have a new initiative to foster Camogie in the school. DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to be able to assist in helping them achieve this initiative. The sixth class girls designed the jerseys and are looking forward to wearing them.
For more information about Scoil Chroi Naofa please visit
L-R:Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute), pupils from sixth class modelling their new jerseys and Fergal Naughton (School Principal)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit, arising from its 2019 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit (OMCSU) is a voluntary group established to assist in the search for missing persons in the local coastal areas of Galway Bay. Zone leaders guide volunteers through over 45km of coastline and are assisted by their rigid inflatable boat (RIB), which supports their volunteers and also searches the sea.
OMCSU also provides warmth and nourishment in the form of teas, soup and sandwiches for volunteers when they return from searching. Their unit also provides pastoral care to the families and friends of missing casualties.
This donation will be put towards their running costs during searches, such as fuel for the boats and search vehicle, maintenance of vital zone leader equipment, insurance policies and catering costs.
For more infomation or to support Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit, email [email protected].
Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit is a registered charity - CHY 21862
L-R:Ann Conboy (Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit), Fiona Doherty (DirectRouteTuam) and Joe Dempsey (Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited were delighted to sponsor their Operation and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) employee Michael Broderick recently on his Croke Park Abseil Challenge.
On the 23rd August 2019, Cappataggle GAA in partnership with a local charity, East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support hosted an Abseil experience in Croke Park to raise funds for both Cappataggle GAA club and East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support.
The East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre in Brackernagh, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway is a house that has been converted and adopted to provide a safe, warm caring environment to provide both pyhsical, practical and emotional support to cancer patients and their families.
The East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre provides a range of support services including Councelling, Touch Therapies, Exercise, Information, Entitlement Advice and Transport to help cancer patients, their families and friends to live better with cancer.
For more information or to support East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support, contact (091) 964 2088, [email protected] or visit their website
East Galway & MidlandsCancer Support is a registered charity - CHY 20382
ALIS employee Michael Broderick during the Croke Park Abseil
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited are delighted to sponsor Galway Hospice's fundraising event 'A Night at the Oscarz'. The Oscarz basically sees the nurses, volunteer, postman, shop assistant, Garda, teacher or neighbour perform in a blockbuster movie. And on the night of the 17th May 2019 in the Clayton Hotel, Galway, the Movie Screening takes place and Oscarz are awarded for Best Actress, Best Actor,Best Grossing Film, Best Movie and much more.
Galway Hospice Foundation provides a wide range of fully-accredited specialist Palliative Care Services to adults and children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, as well as providing support to their families and carers.
Their services include an 18 bed inpatient Unit in Renmore, Community Palliative Care, Day Care, Education and Bereavement Support Services and are delivered across Galway city and county and the adjoining islands, free of charge.
Fundraising is an integral part of the work of Galway Hospice. With double figure increases in the demand for hospice services, the Oscarz will help raise funds to support their vital services throughout 2019.
A Night at the Oscarz will take place on Friday the 17th May 2019, in the Clayton Hotel, Galway.
For more information or to support Galway Hospice, contact 091-770868 or [email protected].
Galway Hospice is a registered charity - CHY 8837.
L-R: Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute) and Orla Feeney (Galway Hospice)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited along with their Operation and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) recently took part in Society of St. Vincent de Paul's (SVP) annual appeal. A 'Giving Tree' was set up at the maintenance depot where employees chose a tag and bought a gift for the child or adult on their tag. A food appeal was also launched where various food items were collected. We were delighted to receive such fantastic support for such a worthy cause, especially at Christmas time.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited also donated toys and food to the value of over €500 to SVP. All gift and food items will be distributed by SVP to local families in need, just in time for Christmas.
Last year SVP Volunteers visited approximately 50,000 families over the winter and they expect to visit at least the same number this year. As Christmas approaches, they are receiving over 1,00 calls a day to their offices around the country.
SVP offer direct, personal assistance that is non-judgemental and based on the need of the individual family. In addition, they provide a wide range of services for vulnerable people through their local offices, shops, resource centres, day care and holiday schemes amonst other things.
If you wish to make a donation to SVP, you can do so on their website
Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a registered charity - CHY 6892.
L-R: Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute), Eddie Mullins (on behalf of SVP), Kate Kelly (ALIS) and Orla Boyle (work experience student)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently made a donation to Cancer Care West, arising from its 2018 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project.
Cancer Care West is dedicated to providing the best support to persons affected by a cancer diagnosis in a safe, encouraging and accessible environment. Cancer Care West provides its services to its residents in accompaniment to medical treatment through the provision of accommodation in Inis Aoibhinn Lodge and support services in the Cancer Support Centre.
The lodge, situated on the grounds of the University Hospital Galway, offers accommodation to patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment at UHG and includes facilities for a patients's family member or guest to share. The Cancer Support Centre offers an extensive variety of services, available free of charge to anyone affected by cancer - patients, carers, family members and close friends. Patient support is the fundamental focus of Cancer Care West. Its main priorities are to equip people living with cancer with the practical and emotional support they need to maintain a peace of mind and quality of life. Cancer Care West also provides cancer awareness and educational programmes and supports research into patient care.
If you wish to make a donation to Cancer Care West, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can contact Cancer Care West on 091-545000 or by emailing [email protected].
Cancer Care West is a registered charity - CHY 11260.
L-R: Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute (Tuam) and Rachel Dooley (Cancer Care West)
On the 16th October 2018, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited, along with their Operation and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) held a Coffee Morning, raising over €200 for Galway Hospice.
Following the Coffee Morning, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited donated €500 to the Hospice arising from its 2018 Program for Social Initiatives on the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Galway Hospice Foundation provides a wide range of fully- accredited specialist Palliative Care Services to adults and children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, as well as providing support to their families and carers. These services which include Home Care, Inpatient Care, Day Care, Bereavement Support and Education, are delivered across Galway city and county and the adjoining islands.
The Hospice depends on voluntary contributions of €2 million to ensure the free availability of services to those that need them. A fundraising campaign like Coffee Morning is, therefore, extremely important in terms of sustainable fundraising.
Demand for hospice services continue to grow. The Hospice's plans for a new 36-bed state of the art Hospice at Merlin Park are progressing and a planning application for the new facility was approved in August. The target is to have the facility completed within the next five years. The next step is to complete a more detailed design of the proposed building with a view to preparing tender documentation. This will take between six and nine months.
For more information or to support Galway Hospice, contact 091-770868 or [email protected].
Galway Hospice is a registered charity - CHY 8837.
Back row L-R : Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute), Niall Lyons (DirectRoute), Edwin Ryan (Lagan Operations and Maintenance), Aidan Burke (ALIS), Padraig Boyle (ALIS), Eoin Rooney (ALIS), Martin Blackweir (Jacobs) , Mike Gill (ALIS) Front row L-R : Dermot Lynch (Lagan Operations and Maintenance) , Michael Broderick (ALIS), Jim Cooke (ALIS), Sean Kelly (ALIS), Darren Morris (ALIS), Keith Kelly (ALIS)
L-R : Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute) and Joanne Tierney (Galway Hospice)
Coffee Morning for Galway Hospice was held at the Operation and Maintenance Depot
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to Galway Simon Community, arising from its 2018 Program for Social Initiatives on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17//M18 Gort to Tuam Project.
Since 1979, Galway Simon Community work with people in the areas of homelessness prevention, housing and health & well-being. The Galway Simon Community take a housing first approach. Their work is focused on preventing people from becoming homeless by keeping people in their own homes or helping to resettle people to a new home through mainstream housing.
This donation will be placed into their 'Essentials Fund', which is a fund set up by Galway Simon Community in 2016 in response to the increasing number of individuals and families who were at risk of losing their home and who were turning to them for help. The fund supports basic costs which could have an impact on a family or individual's capacity to sustain their home. The fund provides practical assistance on an expedited basis, to allow those at risk of, or experiencing homelessness to bridge the gap between funds they have, and the costs incurred in securing accommodation in the private rental market. Practical items associated with moving into a new home are supported through the fund such as bed linen, a first week's groceries or kitchenware and rental deposits. These essentials enable individuals and families to get back on their feet in a time of crisis.
Galway Simon Community works tirelessly to help people who find themselves in a difficult position. So far this year, Galway Simon Community have already helped 445 unique households across their homelessness prevention and housing services.
If you would like to donate to the Galway Simon Community, you can do so on their website or by contacting 091-381828.
L-R: Deirdre Treacy (Galway Simon Community) and Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute)
In the early hours of 12th May 2018, DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited along with their Operation and Maintenance partners A-Way and Lagan (ALIS) completed the Darkness into Light walk - a global movement to raise awareness and funds for the prevention of suicide and self-harm. Now in its 10th year, the charity walk took place in 180 venues across Ireland and worldwide. Funds raised from the walk will go towards Pieta House's counselling services.
Following this walk DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited made a donation to Pieta House West arising from its 2018 Program for Social Initiatives on the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Project. Pieta House West is a suicide and self-harm crisis centre based at Bishop Street in Tuam that serves the whole north-west region. The centre has fully qualified staff providing a professional, one-to-one therapeutic service for people who are experiencing suicidal ideation or engaging in self-harm. Anyone can access the service; it is completely free of charge and a doctor's referral or psychiatric report is not required. Most people are referred to Pieta House by family members or friends.
In the event that anyone is in need of the services offered at Pieta House, whether it is yourself or someone you know, all approaches are dealth with in complete confidentiality. Should you wish to contact Pieta House West the number is 093 25586 and opening hours are Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5pm, Wednesday 9am to 8pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm. A new centre has recently opened in Merchants Road in Galway City.
Pieta House is a registered charity (CHY16913) and relies heavily on the support of the public to provide this dedicated and specialised support. Further information on Pieta House West and the services provided by Pieta House in general can be veiwed at which includes a click and donate facility should you wish to make a contribution.
Back row L-R: Niall Lyons (DirectRoute), Aidan Burke (ALIS), Padraig Boyle (ALIS), Eoin Rooney (ALIS), James Cooke (ALIS), Keith Kelly (ALIS), Front row L-R:Kate Kelly (ALIS), Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute), Sean Kelly (ALIS), Michael Broderick (ALIS), Darren Morris (ALIS)
L-R: Margaret Tierney (Pieta House West) and Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute)
DirectRoute (Tuam) Limited recently donated to the Autism Spectrum Disorder Unit, Clarin College, Athenry, arising from The Program for Social Initiatives for 2018 on the Operation and Maintenance phase of the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam project. The Autism Spectrum Disorder classroom (ASD) was opened in 2011. The purpose of the ASD class is to assist students with ASD to leave school with the skills necessary to participate in an inclusive way in society and to live independent and fulfiled lives. Clarin College places great emphasis on developing each student to their full potential and are mindful of the need to assist them in developing their communication, social, behavioural and general life skills.
The school recognises that pupils on the Autism Spectrum may have additional difficulties which necessitate the adaption of the courses of study prescribed in the Department of Education Curriculum. This may mean a greater emphasis on certain areas of need for these students e.g communication, social development. A close partnership with parents play a key role in enabling students who attend the ASD class to achieve their potential. Classes take the form of supported/unsupported mainstream inclusion, classes involving curricular support or classes unique to the ASD programme such as non-curricular Literacy and Numeracy skills, Music, swimming, Physical Education, meditation, direct social skills training, personal care, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.
The ASD class setting promotes students with ASD to engage with their peers. There is a 'Reverse Integration' practice whereby Transition years visit the ASD class for a structured social class. This is important in developing positive relationships with their peers.
Students with ASD bring a great richness to school life as they teach their peers the importance of fulfilling ones' potential regardless of personal circumstances. Students with ADS teach other students how to get along well with people who are different from them. This helps to combat stereotypes about people with disabilities and encourages students to embrace diversity and respect those who have challenges outside of their experiences.
If you would like to donate to the ASD Unit in Clarin College, you can do so by contacting the school on Phone 091 844159 or by emailing them at [email protected]
L-R: Ann Lynn (Teacher), Ivan Eagle (Student), Ciaran Folan (Principal), Niall Lyons (DirectRoute), Fiona Doherty (DirectRoute), Trina Duane (Teacher), Clare Conneely (Teacher), Brian Dolan (Student).
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Western Alzheimers, arising from the M17/M18 Gort to Tuam Motorway Cycle in which four members of the DirectRoute team participated and raised much needed funds for Western Alzheimers.
Western Alzheimers is a charitable organisation that provides a complete service of care to families affected by Alzheimers/Dementia in the West of Ireland.
Western Alzheimers supports hundreds of families with a 'home from home' philosophy and ensures that people living with Alzheimers are cared for in a safe, comfortable and nurturing environment. Western Alzheimers offers supports and facilities to the families of people living with Alzheimers which include Long Stay Residential Care, Respite Care, Day Care and In-Home Care in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. Western Alzheimers are funded through state support from the HSE and DSP, fund raising activities and philantropic contributions.
If you would like to donate to Western Alzheimers, you can do so on their website or by contacting their offices in Galway, Mayo or Roscommon. You will also find Western Alzheimers on Facebook.
Western Alzheimers Company registered number is 244419 and the registered charity number is 11416.
L-R: Declan Carney (DirectRoute), Pat Holmes (Western Alzheimers), Dympna Dolan (Western Alzheimers), Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute), John Crowley (DirectRoute).
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Cancer Care West, arising from the Health and Safety incentive on the M17/18 motorway project.
Cancer Care West is dedicated to providing the best support to persons affected by a cancer diagnosis in a safe, encouraging and accessible environment. Cancer Care West provides its services to its residents in accompaniment to medical treatment through the provision of accommodation in Inis Aoibhinn Lodge and support services in the Cancer Support Centre.
The lodge, situated on the grounds of University Hospital Galway, offers accommodation to patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment at UHG and includes facilities for a patient's family member or guest to share. The Cancer Support Centre offers an extensive variety of services, available free of charge to anyone affected by cancer - patients, carers, family members and close friends. Patient support is the fundamental focus of Cancer Care West. Its main priorities are to equip people living with cancer with the practical and emotional support they need to maintain a peace of mind and quality of life. Cancer Care West also provides cancer awareness & educational programmes and supports research into patient care.
If you wish to make a donation to Cancer Care West, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can contact Cancer Care West on 091-545000 or by emailing [email protected].
Cancer Care West is a registered charity - CHY 11260
L-R: Rachel Dooley (Cancer Care West), Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute), Doreen Garvey (Cancer Care West), Ciaran Blake (Sisk).
DirectRoute recently made a donation to the Jack & Jill Foundation, arising from the Health and Safety incentive scheme run on the M17/18 motorway project.
The Jack & Jill Foundation was set up in 1997 and provides nursing care & support for children with severe neurological development issues, as well as offering some respite to the parents and families of the sick children and end of life care.
The Jack & Jill Foundation provides home respite for children up to 4 years of age who suffer from severe developmental delay and associated problems. It provides direct funding to parents enabling them to purchase specialist care. The Foundation funds a maximum of 64 hours of home nursing per calender month, per family and they cover all 26 counties. The services the foundation provide include the following: Home visit by a Liaison Officer/Nurse, Advice for caring for a child at home, Advice & Information on how to access all the services a child may require, Listening to what the parents want for their child and make representations on their behalf, as well as many more.
The Foundation currently has 305 babies and their families under their care in every county in Ireland and are taking new referrals each week. Since the foundation was set up in 1997, they have bought succour to over 2100 children and their families.
If you would like to donate to the Jack & Jill Foundation, you can do so by visiting their website or by contacting 045-894538.
The Jack & Jill Foundation is a registered charity - CHY No 12405.
L-R: Emer O'Brien (Roadbridge & DirectRoute), Hugo Jellett, C.E.O. (Jack & Jill Foundation)
Tuam Bypass Walk 14th May 2017
The recent walk and run on the Tuam Bypass was a roaring success as just under 1,000 people participated and donated an amazing sum of over €9,700 for Tuam Cancer Care. DirectRoute would like to thank everyone that participated and gave so generously to a great cause. We would also like to thank Tuam Cancer Care for organising the event in what was a relatively short period of time and to Roadbridge who prepared the area in advance to ensure that the event passed off safely and without incident.
For further information on Tuam Cancer Care and the services they provide you can check them out at and their website You can also contact the centre on (Tel) 093-28522 or email [email protected].
Tuam Cancer Care Rose Amy Geoghegan cut the tape for the walk/run with L-R Declan Carney (DirectRoute), Maureen Grealish and Eimear Keane (both Tuam Cancer Care) and Paraic McCarthy (Roadbridge).
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Cancer Care West, arising from the Health and Safety incentive on the M17/18 motorway project.
Cancer Care West is committed to providing the best support to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis in a safe, nurturing and accessible environment. Cancer Care Wet provides its services to its residents in accompaniment to medical treatment through the provision of accommodation in Inis Aoibhinn Lodge and support services in the Cancer Support Centre.
The lodge, located on the grounds of University Hospital Galway, provides accommodation to patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment at UHG and includes facilities for a patient's family member or guest to share. The Cancer Support Centre offers a wide range of services, available free of charge to anyone affected by cancer - patients, carers, family members and close friends. Patient support is the central focus of Cancer Care West. Its main priorities are to equip people living with cancer with the practical and emotional support they need to maintain a peace of mind and quality of life. Cancer Care West also provides cancer awareness & educational programmes and supports research into patient care.
If you wish to make a donation to Cancer Care West, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can contact Cancer Care West on 091-545000 or by emailing [email protected].
Cancer Care West is a registered charity - CHY 11260
(L-R: Seamus Sorohan (Lagan Construction), Paul Walsh (Lagan Construction), Rachel Dooley (Cancer Care West),
Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute), Gary Kennedy (Lagan Construction).
DirectRoute really appreciate the ongoing co-operation being shown by our neighbours and the general public in helping to ensure that the project is constructed as safely as possible for everyone.
As the works progress, we are starting to see people using the new motorway as a walking route. There are many hazards still remaining on these nearly completed sections of motorway. With work incomplete, this means that these areas are still not safe and we would ask that you continue to stay away from the construction site. Our mobile security patrols will continue to patrol the site out of hours and they will ask all unauthorised persons to leave the site. Particularly, we are asking parents and guardians to help ensure their children understand the importance of this and comply with it.
We also ask that you continue to exercise extreme caution when travelling on the public road and where it interfaces with any roadworks. We ask all walkers and cyclists to use high visibility clothing as "to be seen is to be safe" at these construction site interfaces.
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Galway Hospice Foundation, arising from the Health and Safety incentive scheme run on the M17/18 motorway project.
Galway Hospice Foundation provides a wide range of fully-accredited specialist Palliative Care Services to adults & children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, as well as providing support to their families and carers. These services which include Home Care, Inpatient Care, Day Care, Bereavement Support and Education, are delivered across Galway city and county and the adjoining islands.
Galway Hospice has become ever more reliant on voluntary donations in the current economic environment. Although the HSE has increased its level of funding for Galway Hospice, they are still required to raise €1.8 million per annum to meet the cost of providing essential patient services.
It is projected that demand for specialist hospice inpatient care will double in the next 10 years, and late last year, Galway City Councillors, by majority decision, approved an application by Galway Hospice for the re-zoning of seven acres of land adjoining Merlin Park Hospital. This will now enable Galway Hospice to progress to design and planning stages for the development of a new hospice at that location, which will enable them to meet the projected substantial increase in demand for hospice inpatient care for the people of Galway city and county.
For more information or to support Galway Hospice, contact 091-770868 or [email protected].
Galway Hospice is a registered charity - CHY 8837.
L-R: Ciaran Blake (Sisk), Padraig Scanlon (Sisk), Orla Feeney (Galway Hospice), Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute).
Nadine Monaghan of DirectRoute, along with Jacobs Engineering, Sisk, Lagan Construction, Halcrow Barry and Arup, recently collected 24 boxes of various foods to donate to the Galway Simon Community. We were delighted to receive such fantastic support for such a worthy cause, especially at Christmas time.
Since 1979, Galway Simon Community work with people in the areas of homelessness prevention, housing and health & well-being. The Galway Simon Community take a housing first approach. Their work is focused on preventing people from becoming homeless by keeping people in their own homes or helping to resettle people to a new home through mainstream housing.
The Galway Simon Community works tirelessly to help people who find themselves in a difficult position. The following are some key statistics from the Galway Simon Community from 2015: 366 people were helped, 113 people were housed and 33 families (including 100 children) were helped.
If you would like to donate to the Galway Simon Community, you can do so on their website or by contacing 091-381828.
Lagan Construction Group staff recently participated in Movember and held a shave off with all proceeds being donated to galway Hopice Foundation. On the night, 10 beards and 2 heads were shaved which raised a grand total of €4581.61.
Galway Hospice provides a wide range of Specialist Palliative Care Services to adults and children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses. These services, which include Home Care, Inpatient Care, Day Care, Bereavement Support and Education are delivered across County Galway and the adjoining islands. Funding towards the specialist Inpatient services is provided by the HSE, while all other services depend entirely on voluntary contributions.
For more information or to support Galway Hospice, contact 091-770868. Alternatively, you can donate on the website
Galway Hospice is a registered charity - CHY 8837
Seamus Sorohan (Lagan), Kate Kelly (Lagan), Tommy Fox (Lagan), John Meehan (Galway Hospice Foundation), Bryan McKevitt (Lagan), Caolan Doyle (Lagan), Willie Cunneen (Lagan), Odran Power (3D Personnel), Dermot Gilheaney (Lagan), Declan O'Connell (Lagan) John McNamara (3D Personnel), Oisin Boyle (Lagan)
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Cancer Care West, arising from the Health and Safety incentive on the M17/18 Motorway Project.
Cancer Care West is dedicated to providing support to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis in a safe, nurturing and accessible environment. Cancer Care West complements medical treatment through the provision of residential accommodation in Inis Aoibhinn Lodge and support services in the Cancer Support Services.
The lodge, located on the grounds of University Hospital Galway, provides accommodation to patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment at UHG and includes facilities for a patient's family member or guest to share. The Cancer Support Centre offers a diverse range of services, available free of charge to anyone affected by cancer - patients, carers, family members and close friends. Patient support is the central focus of Cancer Care West. Its main priorities are to equip people living with cancer with the practical and emotional support they need to maintain a peace of mind and quality of life. Cancer Care West also provides cancer awareness & educational programmes and supports research into patient care.
If you wish to make a donation to Cancer Care West, you can do so on their website Alternatively, you can contact Cancer Care West on 091-545000 or by emailing [email protected].
Cancer Care West is registered charity- CHY 11260
(L-R: Mairead Conneely (Cancer Care West), Michael Whelan (Roadbridge), Shane Foley (Roadbridge),
Rachel Dooley (Cancer Care West), Kathleen Whiriskey (Cancer Care West), Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute).
DirectRoute recently made a donation to St. Oliver's Special School, arising from the Health and Safety incentive scheme run on the M17/18 Motorway project.
St. Oliver's Special School caters for pupils from 2 and a half and 18 years of age who have a moderate, severe or profound learning disability. The school also caters for pupils who have physical and sensory disabilities. St. Oliver's also has an Early Intervention Class which caters for children with a diagnosis of Autism between the ages of 2 and a half and 6 years of age. At present, there are 5 classes catering for all students in the school.
St. Oliver's Special School is under the patronage of Ability West. The school works with all the health & social partners to provide a well-supported environment for the pupils. This includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech & language therapy, psychology, behaviour support and family support services. The school also follows the NCCA Curriculum Guidelines, delivering a broad, balanced & relevant curriculum to the pupils.
St Oliver's Special School has very strong links with the local community. The pupils have the opportunity to participate fully in their local community during their life at school.
If you would like to donate to St Oliver's school, you can do so by contacting the school on 093-24402 or by emailing them at [email protected].
L-R: Seamus Sorohan (Lagan Construction Group), Martin Delaney (Lagan Construction Group),
Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute), Marieta Nolan (Principal - St. Oliver's Special school)
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Western Alzheimers, arising from the Health and Safety incentive scheme run on the M17/18 Motorway project.
Western Alzheimers is a charitable organisation that provides a complete service of care to families affected by Alzheimers/Dementia in the Western Region of Ireland.
Supporting hundreds of families with a 'home from home' philosophy, Western Alzheimers ensures that people living with Alzheimers are cared for in a safe, comfortable and stimulating environment. Western Alzheimers offer the families support and facilities which include Long Stay Residential Care, Respite Care, Day Care and In-Home Care in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. Western Alzheimers are funded through state support from the HSE and DSP, fund raising activities and philanthropic contributions.
If you would like to donate to Western Alzheimers, you can do so on their website or by contacting their offices in Galway, Mayo or Roscommon. You will also find Western Alzheimers on Facebook.
Western Alzheimers Company registered number is 244419 and the registered charity number is 11416.
L-R at presentation: Paraic McCarthy (Roadbridge), Kathleen Gormally (Western Alzheimers), John Power(Roadbridge), Marcella Walsh (Nurse-Maryfield Nursing Home), Shane Foley (Roadbridge), Patricia Faulkner (HCA-Maryfield Nursing Home), Nadine Monaghan (DirectRoute)
DirectRoute staff recently volunteered to participate in a community activity facilitated by COPE Galway, consisting of some painting and gardening work on a residence.
COPE Galway is a local organisation providing supports & services for people affected by Homelessness, women and children experiencing Domestic Violence, and for Older People. COPE Galway helps to Improve Quality of Life in a Home Of Your Own by Supporting Home, Promoting Community and Reducing Isolation.
COPE Galway is supported by over 200 volunteers, who aid the organisation in providing its full range of supports across all of its services around Galway. Corporate Volunteers can participate in COPE Galway's "Helping Hands" short term volunteering projects. These projects provide assistance to services to get practical work done such as painting a client's home, planting gardens or washing windows. Working together like this has proved to be very rewarding both for the volunteers involved and the services.
For more information or to support COPE Galway, contact Tel: +353 (091)778750, by e-mail to [email protected] or via the contact page on the COPE Galway website You will also find them on Facebook.
DirectRoute (Tuam) Ltd staff carrying out renovation work on behalf of COPE Galway.
DirectRoute recently made a donation to the Galway's Parkinsons Association, arising from the Health & Safety incentive scheme run on the M17/18 motorway project.
Galway Parkinsons Association are a voluntary group which consists of people with Parkinsons disease, their family members and carers. The Association aims to provide practical support and information to people affected by Parkinsons, including seminars and support in relation to availability of services, grants and the like. They also deliver much needed therapeutic classes for people with Parkinsons in four centres each week.
The Association is in existence for 12 years and during that time, the membership has increased significantly and includes all age groups. The Association depends solely upon contributions from the public to enable them to provide their services. All donations are gratefully received and are used directly to provide Physiotherapy and Speech & Languages classes which are vital services to people with Parkinsons. Should you wish to contribute you can do so on their website, details given below.
For more information or to support the Galway Parkinsons Association, please do so via the contact page on the Galway Parkinsons website You will also find the Association on Facebook.
You can also contact the Association on 087-7783825 Marie Cahil and 086-2566655 Caroline Rushe.
Galway Parkinsons Association is a registered charity - CHY 10816
L to R at presentation: Declan Carney (DirectRoute), Caitríona Thornton (on behalf of Séan Thornton (Lagan)),
Marie Cahill (Galway Parkinsons Association) and Seamus Sorohan (Lagan).
DirectRoute recently made a donation to the Tuam branch of MS Ireland, arising from the Health & Safety incentive scheme run on the M17/18 motorway project.
MS Ireland is the only national organisation providing information, support and advocacy services to the MS community. MS Ireland work with people with MS, their families and carers and a range of key stakeholders including health professionals, students and other interested in or concerned about MS.
The Tuam branch works with its members in the supporting of all the services noted above and by offering programmes such as Physio, alternative therapies etc. If you are in the Tuam area and have MS or know someone with MS, they would love to hear from you.
For more information or to support MS Ireland Branch, contact Tel: +353 (0)1 678 1600 or 1850 233 233, Email: [email protected]. Alternatively you can view the MS Ireland website:
You can contact the Tuam Branch on 086 0531782, Caroline McCavera, Secretary
087 6882420, Josephine Regan, Chairperson
087 2748092, Mary Melia, Treasurer
MS Ireland is a registered charity CHY 5365
L to R (rear) at presentation: Mary Melia and Caroline McCavera (MS Ireland - Tuam Branch), Seamus Mongan (Sisk), Josephine Regan (MS Ireland - Tuam Branch), Declan Carney (DirectRoute) and Orlagh Moran (Sisk)
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, arising from the Health & Safety incentive scheme run on the N17/18 motorway project.
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is Ireland's national charity dedicated to helping persons who are blind or vision impaired and families of children with autism through a comprehensive suite of services to achieve increased mobility and independence and an improved quality of life.
Each year Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind must raise in excess of €4.8 million through fundraising to support the delivery of these essential services.
For more information or to support Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind,
contact Tel: +353 21 487 8200 or E-mail: [email protected]. Alternatively you can view the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind website:
L to R (rear) at presentation: Noel Curtis (John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd), Frank Downes (Irish Guide Dogs For The Blind), Declan Carney (DirectRoute); Front: Gallagher (IGDFTB)
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is a registered charity – CHY 6006
DirectRoute donation to Galway Hospice
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Galway Hospice arising from a Health & Safety incentive scheme run on the N17/18 motorway project.
Galway Hospice provides a wide range of Specialist Palliative Care Services to adults and children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses. These services, which include Home Care, Inpatient Care, Day Care, Bereavement Support and Education are delivered across County Galway and the adjoining islands. Funding towards the specialist Inpatient services is provided by the HSE, while all other services depend entirely on voluntary contributions. Each year, Galway Hospice must raise in excess of €1.6 million to support the delivery of these essential services which are provided free of charge, for as long as they are needed.
Galway Hospice have become ever more reliant on voluntary donations in the current economic environment. Their HSE funding continues to be reduced while at the same time the demand for their services continues to increase. Due to this increased demand Galway Hospice are actively expanding their existing premises in Renmore to accommodate an additional 6 in-patient beds over the next few months. The cost of this expansion will be funded entirely from voluntary contributions.
For more information or to support Galway Hospice, contact 091 770868 or [email protected]
Alternatively you can view the Galway Hospice website
Latest Galway Hospice newsletter
Galway Hospice is a registered charity – CHY 8837
L to R at presentation: Declan Carney (DirectRoute), Gary Kennedy (Lagan Construction),
Orla Feeney (Galway Hospice), Keith Kelly (Lagan Construction), Seamus Sorohan (Lagan Construction)
DirectRoute recently made a donation to Pieta House West arising from a Health & Safety incentive scheme run on the N17/18 motorway project.
Pieta House West is a suicide and self-harm crisis centre based at Bishop Street in Tuam that serves the whole north-west region. The centre has fully qualified staff providing a professional, one-to-one therapeutic service for people who are experiencing suicidal ideation or engaging in self-harm. Anyone can access the service; it is completely free of charge and a doctor’s referral or psychiatric report is not required. Most people are referred to Pieta House by family members or friends.
Since Pieta House West opened its doors just under 2 years ago they have seen and supported upwards of 550 men, women and children, providing up to 15 sessions of counselling completely free of charge. We also offer key person support to the person who is supporting the person in crisis and to date have delivered in excess of 5,300 therapy hours.
In the event that anyone is in need of the services offered at Pieta House, whether it is yourself or someone you know, all approaches are dealt with in complete confidentiality. Should you wish to contact Pieta House West the number is 093 25586 and opening hours are Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 9am to 5pm, Wednesday 9am to 8pm & Saturdays 10am to 2pm.
Pieta House is a registered charity (CHY16913) and relies heavily on the support of the public to provide this dedicated and specialised support. Further information on Pieta House West and the services provided by Pieta House in general can be viewed at which includes a click and donate facility should you wish to make a contribution.
L to R at presentation: Declan Carney (DirectRoute), Shane Foley (Roadbridge), Marie Moran (Pieta House West), Sean Nolan (Roadbridge), Paraic McCarthy (Roadbridge)
Lagan staff participated in the Kiltiernan School coffee morning fund raising event for Galway Hospice
Lagan staff participated in the Kiltiernan School coffee morning fund raising event for Galway Hospice
Sisk supports Athenry 1916 commemorative garden
Sisk donated a selection of suitable stone from the stone walls along the Project to the local Athenry tidy towns committee. The committee is building a 1916 commemorative garden in the town.
DirectRoute donation to Aware
DirectRoute recently made a small donation to Aware arising from a Health & Safety incentive scheme run on the Project.
Aware provides information, education, and support services to persons and their relatives that are affected by stress, anxiety, depression, Bi-polar and other mood related disorders.
Aware have three support groups close to the corridor of the N17/18 road project – at Ballybane (near Oranmore), Loughrea and Ballinrobe (close to Tuam). The groups meet weekly and are free of charge, there is no requirement for a referral either.
Further information on Aware can be viewed at and the support group co-ordinator for the West/North-west region, Mr. Des Greene, can be contacted at 087-2993142 or [email protected]
L to R at presentation: Michael Daly (Sisk), Declan Carney (DirectRoute), Des Greene (Aware, Support Group Co-ordinator), Noel Curtis (Sisk)